Monday, May 19, 2008

Narnia and Me

I'm reading the book Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge with some friends of mine. Last week we read the chapter titled Warrior Princess about how as women we do want to play an irreplaceable role. Although part of us does want the knight to ride in on a white horse to rescue us the other part wants to fight in the battle. We need to fight in the battle.

This weekend I went to see The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. This is a great movie. A must see. Seriously, put it on your to-do list and into your budget. This movie is that chapter in Captivating come to life and then some. There is some great dialogue. There is humor. There is fun. And there is battle. There are so many beautiful on-screen images of the battle we face on a daily basis. And I loved all 2 hours and 20 minutes of it.

I love that CS Lewis got that warrior princess aspect of women. He got that there are both sides to us. He got that there is more to us than staying behind. He got that need to be a part of something bigger and the irreplaceable role that each of us plays. He got it and I thank him for it. Oh how I wish other people would.

A lot of the film reminded me of Lord of the Rings actually. I don't know if they ever met but I think Tolkein and Lewis would have made great friends. Can you imagine their conversations?

When you see the movie let me know. I'd love to have a conversation about the imagery, the symbolism, the battle, the questions etc. and get your take on it. Until then armor up. There's a battle out there and you'll need it.

1 comment:

Katie Sue said...

I'm so excited to see this movie! I can't wait! I'm pondering re-reading the books this summer because C. S. Lewis did get it so well. We'll have to talk soon!