Tuesday, March 18, 2008

52 - pick me up?

This past weekend I went on our all church retreat to Long Beach Island in NJ. It was a great time to be refreshed and to get to meet/know many 'new' people at church. Truly a blessed time. Although there are many things I could share about/from the weekend, what I will share is how my heart was refreshed by cards.

I love to play games. It's the love of competition side of me. On Friday night a group of us played cards for hours. Friday night became early Saturday morning and the dealing continued. I learned a new card game called Palace which was a blast. Toward the end of the night (or early in the morning) I had the opportunity to teach a few friends my favorite card game - Euchre. I haven't played Euchre in a long time. As a matter of fact the last time I may have played was in Turkey back in 2004. That's a long time ago. Nearly a lifetime has passed since then. Oh but the rules and the love of the game quickly returned.

My team may not have walked away from the table victorious but I walked away a winner. My body may have been tired but my soul was stirred. As my head hit the pillow sometime after 2am, I couldn't help but smile for my heart was full.

I'm ready for a rematch anytime.

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