Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Story Continues.....

Last month I wrote about the leak in my apartment. It has since been 'resolved'. I use that term loosely because it hasn't really rained any significant amount since the day it rained into my apartment.

When that happened, I wrote a letter to the apartment complex letting them know that my leak was very much not fixed as they previously stated. I casually reminded them of the health risks and asked that this be resolved quickly. They did move quickly, I will give them credit for that. However, they had to call a roofer, wait for him to come, wait for his proposal, approve his proposal, wait for the roofer to complete the work and wait for the painter to show up to repaint the wall (a.k.a. paint over the wet spots). All of that took two weeks.

My leak, however, was fixed. Do you know how I know it was fixed? Because the front office has a bill for the work from the roofer. Seriously, that's how the front office told me they know the roof is fixed. It took all I had not to laugh or make some smart alec comment when she told me that.

I still have no idea if there is mold growing behind the wall. The painter did come to paint the wall but you can absolutely still see the water stains through the new paint. Do you know how I know I can still see the stains? Because I can see them. (sorry, couldn't resist)

I do have a bookshelf that has sustained water damage. The entire bottom of the bookshelf is warped. Perhaps another letter to the apartment complex requesting a new bookshelf is in order.

Stay tuned for that.....

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