Saturday, May 5, 2007

I Have a Pet Peeve

Okay, so I probably have many. This, however, is the only one I'll share. For now.

I don't know what it is with Philly but so many people smoke. Now you, smoker person, have as much 'right' to smoke as I have to breathe clear air. Seems you, however, are always at an advantage.

My pet peeve is not that people smoke. My pet peeve is people who smoke and walk at the same time. Ah, it's SO annoying. It's one thing to walk outside and a smoker is standing there. I can usually walk away and be fine. However, when you walk and smoke at the same time there is no escape. It doesn't matter if I walk in front of you or behind you (although behind is way worse), I can still smell that disgusting smoke.

All you smokers, would you kindly give us non-smokers a break and stand still when you contaminate your lungs. I'd like to keep my lungs as clean as possible. The urban air is enough of a hazard.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Yes, I agree. I will never forget at Elon being behind a sorority chicks on the way to class with her cigarette in one hand and bookbags in the other. I just think women smoking is a little "yucky". (I know this is old fashioned.)