Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Last night I had an odd dream. In part of it, I got caught using the men’s room. The scene, if you will, unfolded like this. The view I had was from the toilet looking out. So, I was looking at a closed stall door; at least I assume it was me. Next scene flashes and there is a gaping hole where the door is supposed to lock and a man is looking at me. I have no idea if I am clothed or not at this point. Remember the scene is from my point of view. I felt like the woman in the Southwest Airlines commercial – gotta get away? At least she was only trying to save her contact and not actually using the bathroom for bathroom purposes.

The next scene flashes and I am looking around the bathroom trying to figure out how I could have mistaken this for the ladies room. There weren’t any urinals in there, the classic men’s room fixture. There were, however, a row of small, normal looking public restroom toilets lining a wall with no doors on them. A modern urinal perhaps? At this point I said something out loud in the dream to the effect of – oh, so that’s why those toilets didn’t have doors on them. The guy responds with yeah or duh; can’t remember which. Next scene flashes and I am walking outside the bathroom and glance around for a men’s room sign but there isn’t one. I’m trying to get away out of embarrassment but everywhere I turn there is someone else who knows I was in the men’s room. Meanwhile there was only one other guy in there that I saw but whatever. Oh and no, I didn’t recognize his face at all.

The rest of the dream, at least the rest of what I remember, doesn’t seem to have anything to do with me in the men’s room incident so I won’t include that here. I can’t help but wonder, what in the world does that dream mean? I sure hope it’s not one of those ‘peek in to the future,’ possible later déjà vu moments where I will someday find myself using the men’s room.

All I do know is that I woke up with a giant headache. Being caught in the men’s room can do that to you.

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