Monday, April 14, 2008

Wisdom in the Rings

This weekend I did something I've always wanted to do but never thought I'd actually take the time to do. I watched all three movies in the Lord of the Rings trilogy back to back to back. The extended versions. Approximately twelve hours of adventure, intrigue and fun. All in one very long but very fulfilling day.

Two friends ditched…I mean graciously excused themselves from their husbands… for a girls day of Rings. We settled in with snacks, food and drinks galore to watch on the big flat screen (we were obviously not at my apartment). Now I'm not a LOTR junkie. As a matter of fact, until Saturday (and early Sunday) I had only seen each movie once and I've never read the books. But there is something about these movies; something that stirs in your soul and awakens your heart.

Previously I had felt a connection with different characters in each movie for different reasons. Frodo, Legolas, Arwen, Eowyn, Gimli, Pippin, Galdalf, they all have spoken to me in some way. In some I've seen who I was, who I am and even who I hope to become. Others speak wisdom, beauty or humor that resonates with me. Of course there is Aragorn in all his denial and in all his kingly glory; as a woman he speaks to me and my heart. But this time, seeing the movies one right after the other and seeing how the story lines fit together and following them through to the end, this time I was touched by a different character. I think I have found my favorite character of all. Samwise Gamgee. Sam the Brave. Sam.

Sam delivers some of the greatest lines in the movies. He's the optimist, the loyal friend. The one who jumps in the water to catch Frodo even though he can't swim. The one who won't take no for an answer. At one point one of my friends commented that everyone needs a Sam. That friend who sticks closer than a brother. The one who will support you in all that you do even if it means saying what you don't want to hear or doing that which is beyond their natural abilities or finite understanding. I realized on Saturday that Sam is Jesus.

I believe that many characters represent a part of God's character. God is complex with many characteristics. It's fun to see them displayed on the big screen. But there was something about Sam that touched me on Saturday. He reminded me that I am not alone. Just when I think I can not move another inch, Jesus is there to lift me the rest of the way. When I try to do things on my own, God gently reminds me that he is near and I do not have to go alone. A friend who sticks closer than a brother.

I needed that reminder. But I also needed the reminders that came with the other characters as well as with the story itself. It was a good twelve hours of reminding.

Frodo: Go back, Sam. I'm going to Mordor alone.

Sam: Of course you are. And I'm coming with you.

Frodo: I wish the ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened. Gandalf: So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.

1 comment:

Katie Sue said...

Sam has always been my favorite LOTR character, but what an amazing insight! I love that depiction! I'm going to have to watch the movies again with new eyes. And you're right, everyone needs a Sam.